Select an instrument to read more.
Our ensemble prices are as follows:
Primary division
- free of charge if learning an instrument at SMMC
- $60 voluntary contribution if joining an ensemble only (covers membership of more than one group)
Open division
- $60 fee (covers membership of more than one group)
George St Normal School
The recorder consort is open to anyone, children and adults, who enjoy playing recorder. Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass players meet weekly playing a wide range of music from the 16th-20th centuries.
We recommend players have at least 3 years of playing experience.
Join this group to enjoy exploring a range of music for guitars, both traditional and contemporary.
This orchestra is for string players in their second and third year of playing with us. It is designed to be an easy, enjoyable first step to orchestra playing where the players progress in music reading, in keeping time with each other, and in playing various harmony parts.
Symphonic Band is for any woodwind, brass and percussion students who are in their 2nd year or more of tuition, and is made up of a good mix of primary and adult learners. Plays a mix of concert band, marching band and movie music.
This is the first opportunity to play with a full orchestra, bringing together strings, wind, brass and percussion.
This orchestra is made up of players of all ages and is our most advanced orchestra. Join us to play a wide range of orchestra repertoire. Rehearsals are held In the George Street Normal School hall from 11am - 12:30pm weekly.
In this orchestra we cater for a wide range of age and ability levels:
- primary school pupils who have progressed particularly rapidly to a grade 4 or 5 level
- secondary students or adults who have made good progress on their instrument for three or four years
An assessment of ability level may need to be made before approving an application to join this orchestra.
Bathgate Park
From 7 years of age upwards, the ukulele is suitable for people of all ages, with both beginner and advanced classes, playing a wide range of music.
This orchestra caters for all second year pupils and above, and meets at 10am every Saturday. A great opportunity to use all instruments taught in an orchestral setting.
From 7 years of age upwards, the ukulele is suitable for people of all ages, with both beginner and advanced classes, playing a wide range of music.
Catering for all second year pupils and above, the Elmgrove Orchestra meets weekly and plays a wide range of music.
Ensembles – available at these locations
- George Street Normal School
- Bathgate Park School
- Elmgrove School